This morning cooled off pretty good... Was nice...
Was reading around in my blog and found that some idiot spammed my blog. Tried to delete it but wouldnt' delete
I've got to speak from my heart. This stuff needs to come out.
I'm pretty purturbed at the moment. I let some idiots destroy my business pretty much and now I'm back at square one so I'm frustrated with that and quick becoming short on cash. I have some invoices going out soon that will help so that is good.
Nonetheless... I've felt empty lately... Worthless.
I volunteered my time at Texas Baptist Men Disaster Operations Center as a radio operator helping to take care of communications between Mesquite and the folks out in Lousiania and East Texas. It was great. I cleaned up some messes, helped coordinate some flights on cessnas for folks coming in and out of the field, and even got commended for good stuff from the high up folks who quickly found out that I take things kinda seriously and not just there for a free lunch. Crazy one piece of traffic was a vetenairian epidemologist needed in Baton Rouge and we had one at Kentucky University and helped coordinate that all out... cool stuff
I got to be around folks who were actually doing the right thing of getting help to people. I like that. They were not sassy over the top church idiots who are more holy than God Himself, but actually busting their butts getting food and other things out into lousiania. I was digging it. And enjoyed it deeply. I like the folks who can get their hands dirty in the muck and mire and still have that pure and gentle smile that is not corrupt.
But it does not pay bills so it was a short satisfaction.
But it was good. I feel like somehow I helped the folks even though I was not directly out there helping.
I had my last surgery... i'm finally smilable... and they are all straight... I'm still sore in the roof of my mouth and upper lip region from where they moved around some teeth but dang... it's pretty cool.
Bottom Line: I want the empty to go away and feel useful once again. Without the NAGGING of certain folks in my life at this point.
Me alone... on one path to a summit that employs creativity at its best with no comprimise.
I think I'll start now.