Yes - I had to do it today.
It seems that somewhere between the time I left my apartment - going to my folks house - going out to eat with Tim & Jason and my folks - coming back home everything was gone.
So I scoured everything I owned and my folks house - no luck. No license, debit card or credit card. The only thing I could think of was that I accidentially threw them away when I took out the trash somehow - so I pondered the dumpster.
Went to the apartment managers and told them I had lost my cards and license, and that I was going to go through my trash in the dumpster.
Well i emptied about half the dumpster which was actually not that vile at first. Most everything was just paper whatnots and not nastiness, until I got to where my trash was and I guess some people throw everything in the trash and not in the garbage disposal.. vileness = gag me I give up
I did find my trash and had no luck.
So I give up and go to the bank - tell them that I have lost my cards - they close accounts and all that schmoosy choosy stuff...I make a withdrawal without an id - the guy was like... Don't worry I know who you are you are in here all the I sigh and walk out to the DPS office
Stand in line for 45 min to find out that without some sort of identification I can't replace my lost license..
I go back to the bank because my passport is in the bank vault. I can use that...
New guy at the bank I had never seen before wouldn't let me in the vault without an id!
I get kinda irate and finally he walks away and asks someone who finally recognizes me and is all apologetic... So judy helps me out - and I tell her - "You can let me in the vault so as long as as you don't loose the keys behind the desk and we have to take out the front plates of the desk again"
She is shocked and remembers the incident where I needed a contract out of the vault and she accidentially dropped my one and only key behind the desk where it dissapeared into oblivion. Soon toolboxes and screwdrivers start tearing apart the front of the desk where it's sitting in what looks like 20 years worth of grime from lunches and people fuzz.
So I get my passport and go back to the DPS office - stand in line again and get my photo for a new license - they ask me if my voters registration card is valid - I say it's still registered to my folks house where I haven't lived for like 200 years.
She looses it and says between gasping laughter - i'll get that updated for you.
So I come home - to get back to work... and luck would have it - the trash guys are emptying the dumpster.
I know somewhere in that hollow green monster my license was digesting in a sea of who knows what. Well actually I know what because I picked through half of it.
1 shower later I think I have recovered.
One notable thing. I stood in line with some hurricane victims trying to get their life back together again. One couple was trying to get texas licenses as they had got a place to stay and car inspected and what not. They had nothing - absolutely nothing to identify them. Marriage licenses, bills, everything was lost in the hurricane.
I actually saw the stone faced DPS agent break out of pose. She was genuinely concerned and asked if maby one of their kids or anyone had a school transcript, report card, anything that would have their name on it.
Unfortunately they had nothing. And because of the law - they couldn't get their license. Sometimes the law is kinda brutal, even when it helps do what is right.
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