I learned some stuff while there and finally had a chance to clear my head. I also came to some conclusions and thoughts that were pretty interesting. Here goes.
We left thursday night around 8pm and drove straight to snow. (independence pass in the am) 26 degrees and 2.5 ft of snow...

I realized a few things there. I was downstairs drinking a cup of coffee and reading through the old handwritten guestbook that was on the coffee table. I read some of my old entries and things I had written. It was etheral to see your own handwriting some 1500 miles away on a coffee table from years back. My last entry was from 2003 and it seemed I was on the breath of focused change. My new entry was a future fill in the blank of great importance ... I think it's fitting.

This trip kinda felt empty for some reason in some ways. I think part of it was the fact I was held down to making sure mom was okay and that she was comfortable. I'm comfortable with much less and I realize that. I can live in the moment and don't require much. I like that in a really big way. It's that whole simple thing again. Simply simple. You can't go wrong. You deal with what is on your plate. You keep yourself warm and dry. And I might mention this strongly. Thank you Christ for sparing my life. Thank you God for whispering the mountains and the sky into existence and saying it was good. It's pivotal to you. I couldn't see it or explain it any other way. So thanks God - i'm sorry for my screw ups, but i'm excited about being renewed and enjoying your creation.

Ended up getting pulled over by a sherrif in Montrose to ask why I swerved to the shoulder going down a mountain. I explained that some idiot in a no passing area pulled out in my lane and was about to hit him. He agreed with the story and wrote that guy a ticket as he was still being held up on the mountain.

I learned my mom wants one fhing from me and I know I'm supposed to grasp and hold on to what I have and push foward. She will always be mom and I understand that - but I told her today I am going back to running my business and not looking for a job because now I have projects sitting on my desk and a New Site that shows my work.. It pissed her off. But I know with all that I am it's the right thing to do. I realized it at 1 am on 287 coming home when she was asleep and I had my thoughts together.
I just know I'm supposed to HANG ON TIGHT! Hang on. Grip firm. Grasp wisley. Hanging on. And ive been whiny and pissy about it lately. I also realize that I have been wracked to no belief with pain... but yet I still get back my thoughts and actions and continue on and forget about it.. I did have one of my bad ones on the way back home yesterday... Mom starts comparing it to caffiene headaches when in my mind i'm trying to think just incase something goes wrong and I cant stand it any longer which hospital is closest to where we are. I can't hold on to that. No one knows how much pain I am in and I'm not going to wallow in it..

I finally know I'm on the right way. I believe in what I do and believe in the success of others. I have the tools and the capabilities to really make some awesome things happen and others get the benefit. How, can anyone explain or tell me, that be a bad thing? It is not. Now that I know what needs to be done. I'm there ready to go.
So I sit here with my coffee and I already miss the mountains. I miss the smell of everything good. The bite of cold wind. The distance in the horizon. But this one thing I know. I'm going back one day. I'm going with good friends and celebration of life and I wouldn't have it any other way.
There was one thing missing on the trip that I usually experience which has left me a little bit antsy... Peace. - those simple hours of peace either hiking or just sitting. That and the common laughter and suprise I have with friends. I think most of that came from being on the road nearly the entire time and those personality differences between myself and my mother. It's all good...
So i'll remedy that - i'm going to sit on my porch with a new cup of coffee and enjoy the cool night air.
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