So read Jason's blog and he commented about not being morbid but some cool ideas for funeral arrangements.
JORDAN - you are in charge. If I die and jason dies you will have to carry out the plan as follows: In the event of an emergency need for funds to carry out the proceedings a hidden repository will be opened and you may have it's contents.
1. Vetrans Park: You must install an industrial strength rope swing for future generations to enjoy and help fix the erosion problem so the tree stays where it needs to be. Employ any methods needed.
2. Cedar Hill - You must find the DORBA trail at dusk and hike to a dimly lit area and then hike back across the Ranger property and leave a pinch of us on his porch that we might have eternal tresspassing rights. Once complete return safely to car and proceed south
3. Big Bend National Park: Once there you must sprinkle SOME not all of my ashes out over the Window (not to be confused with car window) at Sunset when the sun comes between the westward spires so I can finally say I fell off the cliff. A sprinkling of Jasons ashes may be left on the ground as well and then spit on as a tatical rumination for finally getting back at him. Let this also be a place of rememberance and peace as more than one kochie has left dna in this place.
4. Proceed to Boquillas Canyon and sprinkle a part of both of us in the Rio Grande on the MEXICO side with a letter thrown in the water stating: HA - WE GOT BY WITH IT AGAIN! WHERE ARE YOUR GUNS NOW? Once complete, hike back up the sand dune to the wind cave and sprinkle small quanties of us there. Be sure to spit and see how far the spit will roll up in a sand ball back down the dune.
5. Go north to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Once there hike to the top of the peak and release some of both our ashes.
6. Continue north to Carlsbad Caverns National Park. All signposts must be yelled at to where you sound vocally challenged when breathing once you hit the New Mexico State Line. Walk down from the main entrance to the Big Room once there and select best breast shaped figure and sprinke a bit of us on top. May we rest in peace.
7. Continue north to Mount Elbert. Hike to peak. Part of my ashes are to be spread on the peak. The register is to be signed saying "I'm HOME finally. May others who hike back down return home a different person." Jason is to be partially sprinkled as well so we can both be certified to be above treeline which is the most important part of mountains for anyone who likes hiking. Once at the bottom again go south to Twin Lakes and follow the river towards the start of Independence Pass just behind Mount Elbert Lodge.. Please deposit some of me here because I made some decisions there at those banks - and that is where Riverstone Media got it's name.
8. Continue north to Whistler British Columbia. This is where you will have the most fun sprinkling our ashes or I should really say flicking out the window while driving everyonceinawhile. But whatever remaining ashes you have after all the glacial streams and waterfalls, and rainforests, and mountains, and orcas, and pubs, you must get BLASTED drunk (or someone in your place) in whistler and then walk down steep hills while spinning in circles and try not to laugh.
9. There are two particular places I would want my ashes spread in Whistler. A. On the GLACIER B. The boyscout trail just north of Whistler on the way to Pemberton amongst the trees.
Bottom line folks. I don't know how long we will live or what will happen in the future but I do hope when I die I am remembered for not being a bump on a log... but for taking life full force and running as hard as I could with some of the best friends I could have ever asked for.
I would want to be remembered for surviving pain and circumstance despite what was set before me. But all things said... remembering is one thing... actually inspiring someone is another. Thats when magic happens.
2 addendums:
1. Whilst in or around Carlsbad, proceed forthwith to the gathering place of all of mankind's ugliest specimens: the Carlsbad Wal-Mart. Sprinkle a bit of each of us in and around any reindeer house shoes you can locate.
2. Whilst in Whistler, bungee jump upside down with a bit of us in your pockets, so that we fall out at the bottom as you are being yanked back up into the sky, screaming bloody murder and pissing yourself.
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