Since friday so many things have happened and transpired i'm still dazed and have a slight headache now. Headspin folks.
Was on the way to a funeral friday when I got a phone call to meet at my folks house, we were going to oklahoma because my grandmother had a stroke. So I grab my backpack and stuff a few clothes... and dash for my folks house.
I get mom and get a tank of gas and we made the 6 hour drive in 4.5 hours (never saw a cop). Get to the hospital and grandma really looks like she is singing her last note. (Mom promised to never tell dad the 90 to 100 mph we did the whole way so I wouldn't get chewed out... she said that she would have done the same if she was driving anways so ...)
We hang out there and see the doctor who was attending and grill him for all he knew. There was a small blockage in the left occipital lobe which affected some of her speech and mobility. Our other family look like deer in headlights not understanding a word he is saying so it was pretty good that me and mom were there to explain later.
During the neuro exam that test reflexes and such she had problems with the left side of her face and issues with her tounge. Long story short.... when she was asleep...she looked just like my great grandmother did before she died.
We get back to their house and see that she has been sick for probably weeks because everything is in disarray. Both mom and I dropped our stuff at the door and start cleaning.
Mind you grandpa had been complaning that he couldn't breathe and we later found out why. I swept up several pan fulls of dust and mildew in places. The dust in their bedroom alone was enough to kill me.
There was rotten apples in the back bedroom they had forgot about so that bag was thrown away. My other aunt who drove up from texas (not near as fast) followed me outside when I needed a ciggy and asked me if I had a weak stomach.... I said pretty much nothing bothers me
(Cisco just got in my lap and needed to suck on my thumb how sweet - anways... I'm trying to figure out what he got this gash in his head from while I was gone. He tore a hunk of grey hair out on top of his head.)
Well she tells me that something is leaking from the toilet and she thinks it might have been someone who missed when sitting down. So I said I'll clean it up.
Mind you the well water my grandparents have comes out 54 degrees year round. The well is over 120 feet deep into the sweetest tasting water I have ever found. It's pretty funny because my uncle tried digging another well about 60 yards away and it turned up as sulfur water...
Well when its warm inside during the winter and even during the summer that cold water sits in the toilet tanks. Just like a water glass it starts condensing outside giving the nastiest mold you can find the chance to grow.
I see what my aunt was talking about dripped in the floor... but I look up under because I knew it wasn't anything fecal in nature... it was just dripping mold from the backside of the tank. 50 years worth of black mold and mildew and a brown recluse that climbed up my hand while cleaning it all out. It just started coming loose when there were so many people in the house and the toilet flushed more frequently giving that cold water more chances to condense on the outside.
So basically the entire house was pretty much a disaster... After cleaning I took the storm windows down on the outside of the house and opened the windows to let it air out a bit. I sat on the porch and had some really great long conversations with my grandfather. We got out my gun and started target shooting for awhile.
I was getting out about 50 yards away with my uncles black lab sitting down next to me and was able to ping the red circle in the 7up can a few times. Considering how windy it was you couldn't really do much unless it was calm, but nonetheless.
So all in all there were a few times to relax and just have some fun. There was a few laughs and what not.
Grandma is finally back home now. She has improved greatly from the stroke. Motor skills are doing fine but still needs to walk with a cane anywhere she goes.
I might be going back next weekend and again on easter to help do some things around the house they need done. Such is the life of an aging family you need to take care of.
(Really need to fix the door to their well house since it is rotting next to the door facings and take the toilets out and clean the rest of the mold from the walls and the tanks.)
Get back home and sign the papers at Lake Arlington and now I'm scott free from them. It's excellent. Such a relief. I'm no longer a prisoner.
New business... new haircut... and my car got the bugs cleaned off of it finally.
On the lineup for something pretty cool in the horizon... We will see.
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