I got a phonecall tonight. Mind you I have a website that I said would be up on wednesday... this was monday when they said they would have all the content to me... I get it yesterday at 4:30 pm and expected to make magic happen and poof walla... So based on their inability to get me content in a timely manner I need more time... they call me...
.... It's 10 pm the website is not up.... GET IT UP!
... tsk tsk tsk. It's such a sad thing. AND the most amazing thing is this is a CHURCH we are dealing with here. CHURCH PEOPLE..... the nice smiley make you feel warm and welcomed and lets be friends people.
I need to make this rant once and only once from the depths of me. This is it spilled out folks. HARDCORE the way it is.
I find it incredibly amazing the arrogance and absolute bullshit that some christians display who are LEADERS of their churches and organizations.
May I mention I have had the most belittling and threatening conversation I have ever had on the phone with a "Christian" who I was doing business with. This man is seen often on Channel 5 and is considered a pillar of the economic financial community. He speaks to thousands of people ... but yet he threatened the reputation of my business .... I even asked him if he was threatening me which made him stutter...
I'm amazed at the sunday church crowd that goes out to eat and tips nil to nothing and makes outrageous demands on their servers. They are snotty and condesending.
I can go on an on and on.
You know what. I declare I am a Christian. I'll clear my throat and speak louder into that microphone for those who might not have been paying attention in the back.
But I refuse to be some superficial bullshit idiot drooling in a pew and listening to happy sermons and thinking life is zen for my life and everyone elses when outside the church walls there are the real folks of the world that Christ died for who half don't have a clue that they are loved by their Creator. You know... the outcasts... the folks people don't want to associate with... those who just don't have it all together...
Thats the folks Christ hung out with. - The prostitutes... the tax collectors... all the folks whom most of society saw as folks they didn't want to deal with.
Don't get me wrong here... Christ died for all. There is no divison line. IT'S EQUAL FOR EVERYONE ANYWHERE. But at the same time I'm really burdened and ate up corrosively about the actions and demeanor of our CHRISTIAN LEADERS who behind the scenes are asses.
You know what, it's rattling because it makes me think.... Dang Gina.. who is a good example around here. It kills trust and really tears deep scars.
I'm no perfect Christian. I smoke, I drink... I have the same issues that anyone else does.. To some they have already written me off as being a non-christian just because of the last statement. And that makes my blood curdle because I would love to place them in my shoes and place them in the experiences I have lived and see what decisions they make right or left...... It's funny folks... Tonight all I could do is laugh.
Bottom Line.... Be weary of those who call themselves Christians. Find out what is really behind the scenes and in their hearts. See if they get the point... Not some seminary trained bullshit excuse answers, but heart to heart man to man kind of talk that really stirs up something in positive directions and is consistent over time. I've met a few of those people in my lifetime and they wont easily be forgotten. Be wise of the christian "worker bees" who get so caught up in working for their faith they miss the target by ignorance. There is a proverb that says" As Iron Sharpens Iron so a man sharpens another"
Iron and flint make sparks... I have been seeing way to many sparks from the flintrock Christians who really make the faith look bad when they go around and try to strike against the iron of another man and fail due to the lack of depth and reality of how the world works outside the church walls. I'll be the first to raise my hand that I'm not perfect and I can be accused of the same things I am talking about. However, I still strive to be transparent AND will endeavor to do so as long as I have breath. If it can't be real, it's not worth living.
End of rant. I'm shutting off the mike and finishing up this website for these folks inspite of them. I can't control their actions but I can control mine and I can rest in the fact that if I am satisfied in the product of my creativity that it is good work.
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